sleep kirby
gift from my girlfriend for our 3rd anniversary i started screaming when i saw kirby's little sleeping cap. soooooo cute. she got it for me because i've been playing a lot of kirby planet robobot as of late!

i can't believe this motherfucker's name is seth. bought him with my employee discount on my first day at the job. i love how cute he is though. a little sashimi guy.
brand: bum bumz

given to me as a christmas gift from my girlfriend!
ralsei is my favorite character from deltarune so i love this plushie a lot!
it's so adorable.
brand: fangamer

bought this guy during around easter season i think... he's just cute.

this silly guy
saw this guy being promoted somewhere on the web from an artists and i had to get him!!!! he is very cute and goofy looking.
brand: pokopipo
gift from my girlfriend when he visited sea world.
seal + silly = sealie
plague nurse
was dating someone at the time and they had a plague doctor plushie so i bought this plague nurse counterpart she's still cute though.
brand: squishable

my childhood best friend.
i'm pretty sure i've had this plushie since i was in 3rd grade. his eyes were a bit more purple-ish but over the years the color has worn off.
brand: J!NX
bought at epcot center in the morocco section!
this fennec fox is soooo soft... i love petting him when i'm bored because of how soft he is.
his tag says miyoni by aurora but at first i read "miyoni" as "miguel" (FOR SOME REASON) and i just found it so funny that he got stuck with that name. miguel :)
boy why are you so ears????

steve minecraft
found while cleaning the toy area of my work place.
had to take him home. hope you can understand.
he's kinda huge.

nyan cat
my first plushie ever!!!
my dad bought me this one from ebay though i am Pretty sure it is an official one!
if you pressed his head it would play the nya nya nya song but that only worked for like... a year.

charlie cheetah
bought from my visit to disney's animal kingdom. his tag name says he is called charlie cheetah so i always went with that name! i always call him "charley" though.
he is one of the most huggable plushies i own! he is quite honestly so perfect for cuddling. i love him a lot.
brand: jellycat

i was at a pharmacy one time waiting for my prescription to be ready so i go looking around the store. they had a little section of small plushies and suddently i found this beautiful stupid ass plushie!!!!!!
i love how cute and colorful she is.
my favorite thing ever is the little message that her tag says which goes like this:
you can see magic all around you if you try.
like the colorful wings of a butterfly.
just be yourself, there's nothing to hide.
everyone's special on the inside.
her birthday is on june 12th
brand: TY, squish-a-boos collection

happy and mad octo
i still see these bitches everywhere.
had to get one!

a gift from my friend, hina!
i've never been into pokemon (except for pokemon go. lol) but i like him and from what i have heard he likes eating and you know what? i like eating too.
huge fox
found in the baby section of a store. he looked very comfortable to i took him home :)
sometimes use him as a pillow.

i think his name is pedro.
a present from my girlfriend :3 i love mushrooms. also his head is so fucking big.