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sam's microblog. made for smaller things i want to share.

credit: body bg from Quino Al on Unsplash / windows XP icons / font used is mononoki

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i’ve genuinely had… a day! for some reason, i slept till 11am — which i haven’t done since december lol. it’s not like i fell asleep any later than usual, but i guess that thing that happened is eating away at me more than i’d like to admit. i’m also very confused, so… cheers!


i went to see the dare yesterday. it was... fun? i’m not really sure, to be honest. all i know is i’m super drained today and had to cancel my psychiatrist appointment lol. my friend last minute invited someone i don’t particularly like, and it made me feel pretty left out. to top it off, i noticed my so-called best friend unpinned me on instagram and pinned the friend that tagged along instead, which was... frustrating. we got to the venue two and a half hours before doors opened — not exactly what we agreed on. our view was great (barricade is never bad), but during the dare’s set, this girl behind us kept crushing us and shoving her phone between us to film. no matter how many times we pushed back, she didn’t get the hint and kinda ruined the vibe. oh, and the opener? weirdly sexual for no reason lmao. but hey — at least i had multiple gay panic attacks when the dare was hovering right above us!! so there’s that.

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