home > notebook > sitely
software and hardware that i use!
coding editor: visual studio code
terminal: git bash (oh my posh for custom themes)
image editing
dither me this and ditherit - for images that look like this!
clip studio paint - anything i've made art / graphic related has been with this program most of the time.
libresprite - a fork of asesprite. made some pixels with it.
puter: HP envy x360 convertible laptop w/ stylus which is how i draw here! / 16gb ram / intel core i7 + nvidia geforce mx450
keyboard: motospeed wired keyboard with red switches because it's convertible i use a seperate keyboard for it, this also helps it not overheat since i always have it folded in a upside down V shape
mouse: redragon wireless gaming mouse
headphones: razer kraken kitty headset i love these headphones to death but the pink leather has started to peel off ever since i moved to a more humid area :') + JBL tune 720bt